Dev-log #1


I have decided to finally write a dev log about the process of the development of the game, so I would do something else too, while making the game itself… and OH BOY! I have things to tell you all! 😁

Let’s start with the Game Making Tools

I use Unity 6 preview version, but don’t worry, I do plan on updating the project all the time, to keep it relevant for newer preview versions, and then for the release, but also to keep it stable, and with as less bugs as possible!

I also use Blender 4 for the models, and honestly, it is the best IMO!

Here are some model screenshots from Blender itself!

I also used Adobe Photoshop 2017 once, just to create a LUT for the game, so I use as less post processing effects as possible, to top up game optimization as much as I physically can! Remember, it should run on Windows, Linux and Android devices and it should run on web as smooth as butter!

Let’s talk about Mechanics

I’ve decided to add projectile shooting mechanic into the game, but I also decided to remove saves, as I don’t think on adding some serious and big story to this game, it is far too simple for that, instead I am going to add small but fun events and modes in game, and shooting mechanic will have it’s separate mode!

On the main escape mode, I have added a torch on protagonist’s hand, which you will be able to swing and stan the demoness! For now, there’s an option to even kill them, which would make your game a lot easier, as if they feel or see you, they are going to chase you! Although, they don’t really know if you damaged them, so I will fix that a bit later 😅

Here’s a screenshot of the first actual level of the game (info for nerds like me: prototyped with pro builder)

Here’s a gameplay video of me, killing a demoness (that has a poorly configured AI for now), on my sh*tty laptop!(I had to cut a LOT of delays in this video, so you can support me for a better PC for faster development!)(I don’t need a Cyberpunk killer speed of a PC, anything mid would be more than enogh for me 😊)

Let’s talk about Game Optimizations

The way I want to optimize, is actually to use old and new techniques for my game!

WARNING This is a technical part for my fellow nerdies like me (I am a nerd NGL)! Thank you 😌

  1. Low-poly models
  2. Occlusion cooling (I am going to use new and old at the same time!)
  3. Unity’s automatic decisions (Unity knows what to use if all of the options are going to be in game)
  4. LOD’s and Mipmaps! (Your video card should not draw all the details from distance!)
  5. Environmental fog (to hide more unnecessary objects!)
  6. Cheap post processing effects (or lack of them all together)
  7. Burst compiler (a compiler built in Unity, that makes games a lot more faster!)
  8. IL2CPP compiler (C# uses IL, which is a JIT, and IL2CPP converts JIT into actual AIO compiled code)
  9. Compressed textures (I’ll compress future textures to smallest but best possible size for them to look good and don’t lag!)
  10. Unity’s auto triangulation of models on import (srsly, Unity knows how to properly triangulate objects!)

And the most of the part is already pretty much a straight forward thing, so I would do that easily!


As you can see, my game is already having a great kick start here! I really appreciate every single support you give me, by downloading the original version, and posting comments to help me give you the best experience!

BTW, I’ve talking about LGBT people in the main page, the reason is, I want to make this game as satisfying to everyone as possible! I’ll make an option to turn on and off male and female enemies for your own sexual needs! You are a guy that likes guys? Turn off the female! Same but for girls? You know what to do! You are straight male/female? Turn off those who have your same gender! I think this is how an inclusive game should be made, to give you customization options for a fun game!

Still, this game is going to be as simple as the original one, but with just more game modes to enjoy!

Please support the development by buying one of my games I’ve made that you liked! All of them are free, so you can try before you buy! I also want to update Capsule Hell though, bring it to same Unity version as here, and use my new custom asset pack that I use for this game here and add more arenas to that game! What do you think? Post a comment about all, and I mean ALL you think about this specific post! I would really appreciate that! 🙏

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