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This is a reimagining of Sex-Dungeon Escape game I have made back then! Bigger and better than the original, while keeping original accessible for download!

Its project is just destroyed by a not really good and successful engine version change process... So, I decided to start over, make even more sexy demons, add a way for every single LGBT and non-LGBT people have sexual fun in this game! 

Here is how.

  1. Lesbian sex
  2. Straight sex
  3. Gay sex

Not to mention, that the old ability of changing the gender of protagonist is also here, so if you are a trans, it will suit you too! This doesn't mean I do this to agenda tolerance n all, I do this because I've stated, "porn should be accessible for everyone above 18 years old"! Which is why I let this game be free and do nothing against pirating it (yes, there are pirate websites with the original of this game, although it is free, I just look and laugh at that) (one of the pirate websites (lots of ads btw)).



So, for those who prefer just to watch sex, not to achieve it, I will leave gallery open fully, and for those who want gameplay... Bring it on!

  • Escape mode from the old version
  • FPS shooter mode
  • Platformer mode
  • All in one mode

And I will do my best to accomplish a great experience for everyone, and if you encounter a bug, contact me or comment here! Sooner or later, I will read and reply with appreciation, and will fix the bugs, or gameplay mechanics, if they are broken! 


For those who want to play the campaign but are not willing to deal with everything happening here, such as demons lurking in darkness and health going down after sex, I will implement a cheat menu for you, with buttons that would toggle some gameplay stuff for you, that would still have same atmosphere, and would just work as gameplay modification! So, is it still cheating? Um... Nope I guess?? 😅

For what comes to accessibility in terms of controlling the character, I have already implemented keyboard-mouse, touch and universal gamepad support for X-controller and DualShock-controller!


As for now I have nothing related to game itself, here's a cute render of some beefy sexy demoness I made in Blender (they have no faces yet, I still think of how to make their faces easy for me to animate, maybe 2D face?)

Also please consider using the community page for suggestions, bugs and tips!

Development log